Technology & Partners:

Kabtel have the expertise and resources required to design, develop and manage the highly available and highly secure technology platform that you need, giving you the time and confidence to focus on running your business.
Here are 4 reasons why you should choose us to build your infrastructure, support your people and systems, as well as advise you on projects that will reduce your risk, enhance your productivity and give you a real competitive edge.
Outreach by the Numbers

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Find out how companies succeed with KABTEL
What our customers say

“KABTEL not only met our expectations but exceeded them. Many thanks to the KABTEL team for the delivered quality, expertise, support, and excellence”

“By deploying the EzMaster we got a single point of view of the entre WiFi network, which saves time and resources in maintaining and keeping the customer’s satisfaction”

“We are very pleased with every aspect of the telecommunications solution that we received from Kabtel. High quality and efficiency in the approach were also proven by carrying out fast optical cabling without any disruption to our business. In general, it was an excellent cooperation that will continue in the future.”

“We chose the best company in the field of ICT products, services and expertise, and obtained the best solution. Kabtel consolidated our entire network infrastructure, connected two remote locations with IP telephony and installed central device for uninterruptible power supply with an output of 30 KWA. We have got an integrated system with maximum dedicated and professional approach by the whole Kabtel team.”

“The breadth and depth of the technical staff of Kabtel when it comes to structured cabling is at the highest possible level. A team of internationally certified engineers and installers always maximally devoted to our needs and requirements from start to finish.”

“Impressively designed and installed full information and communication solution that exceeded all our expectations. Kabtel did everything needed on time, efficiently and within the defined budget.”

“We are delighted with the communication solution of Alcatel-Lucent that has been performed by Kabtel, allowing us to more effectively communicate with our clients. We also needed an included security solution that is easy to manage and does not slow down the system performances, so that is why we chose Kaspersky and we were not wrong.”

“The strong regional presence of Kabtel, Nexans training center, as well as the quality of Nexans Cat 6A cable were of great importance when choosing a company for structured cabling. We chose Kabtel and we were not wrong. From start to finish we received a professional service, design, installation and support of first class.”

“We are all satisfied with the internal installation and data infrastructure in the ZOO complex in Skopje. You have met all our needs.”