KABTEL DOOEL Skopje started its commercial operations in September 2001. This year, we mark 20 years of success, achieved through exemplary management, vision, strategic execution, team involvement and hard work.
We would like to send out a big “thank you” to all of our clients, technology partners, our ICT team, and their families, for their continuous support. It has been a great journey, and we are looking forward to continuing the delivery of our vision of growth through enabling technologies for our clients to achieve better business results. For 20 years, our company has gathered the leading players in the telecommunication market, being the main arena for the demonstration of revolutionary ICT products and services.
Due to the high-quality product and service portfolio, as well as the direct communication with its clients and partners, in an incredibly short period, KABTEL has emerged as a leader of the new wave of ICT services and expertise that has set out new, higher standards. The KABTEL trademarks are enrichment of the final product, uncompromised security and quality, reliability, modularity and scalability of the solutions, deployed with effective training and after-sales support delivered to the client.
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